Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Bloggin Beta!! Grr......!

I thought having the latest thing - *!bloggin#! @*beta#!! - was supposed to make everything easier... faster..... better.....?

Yeah, well it might do if it worked properly - or if everyone else had it too maybe...

As it is, I've never found a way to get round the difficulties I have posting comments elsewhere, and now I hear people saying they can't post here either!

All I want to say is... Sorry I don't post many comments anymore - beta can't decide if I have a valid password, if it matches my name or if it will let me use it at any given time. And sorry again if you try and comment here and it won't let you - I don't know what the answer is, except try switching yourself - but then why would you if you're just gonna experience these probs as well...?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to switch to 'other' to post, but then it's fine. Blogger is a complete pig some days!!

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