Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Quote of the day:

We turn not older with years, but newer everyday.
Emily Dickenson
And a TIP to accompany it - from Joanie Winberg...
'The Happy Wednesday Lady!!'
A powerful way to feel "newer" versus older everyday as Emily stated in her quote, is to think back to when you were a child. Do you remember those natural feelings of joy, wonder and optimism? Do you long to have those feelings of excitement and adventure back into your life?
(You just know I do Joanie...)
Then, let me ask you a few questions: - As a child, what did you love to do? What brought a smile to your face?- How can you recapture those feelings of what you loved to do as a child and bring them back into your life as an adult?
Take some time today to answer these questions by writing down your thoughts and feelings. Maybe start a journal or add to the one you already have.
(You never know where it might lead you, until you try...)

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