Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I knew it would happen...

...one day.

That I would lose someone I truly cared for, that is....

Of course in my line of work, it is to be expected. People come to us at the end of their lives, often sick, usually frail and always in need of love and care. And this we give.

And sometimes it seems we give too much. Even though we should have learned not to, because we know from past experience that it only leads to heartbreak. And although I did know... somehow it happened again, and so I sit here now sobbing my heart out over the loss of a wonderful friend.... One of my ladies.... My favourite one.

It was completely unexpected. Only last week she had us all in pleats of laughter as she decided to take over the craft club, and show us all how to crochet. Regular readers might remember my post about the very same thing.... and about how much fun we had, and how much Gwen enjoyed being the star and the teacher for the week. Gwen giggled and joked the whole way through.... but that was Gwen all over. She was a lovely, funny, courageous lady who though old and not in the best health, never lost her faith, never lost her sense of humour - or her wild taste in garish socks!

She loved craft club, but joined in with everything. She'd have a go at whatever I was offering and often amused me with her stage whispers about those who moaned about being bored... but never took part in all the activities organised for them.

It was Gwen who made the wonderful collage that I posted on here, and Gwen who encouraged everyone to try things they'd never done before. She was a character, and my friend, and I'll miss our times together so much. I can't believe she's gone.

Just recently, some friends of hers decided to marry. Finding love late, they fought the opposition of their families to have a civil blessing at the home. Gwen was their bridesmaid. On her mirror today I spied a photo of her taken that day... her pretty smile, the twinkle in her eye and she winked at them while raising her champagne glass....

Only rarely do people like Gwen come into our lives. Perhaps some people never have someone like her, ever. I'm so lucky to have had her for a while.

God bless you Mrs Algar. And your socks. I'll miss you.
jk xxxx


Anonymous said...


Sprogpaws said...

"Only rarely do people like Gwen come into our lives. Perhaps some people never have someone like her, ever."

You're one of those special people too, hun, a genuine gift to the world destined to spread joy to everyone she comes in contact with. And I bet you'll be wearing crazy socks 40 odd years from now!

Anonymous said...

Big hugs Jakey xxx


Anam_Kihaku said...

**hugs** senidng heart hugging hugs. you will just be like her too :) you are that person for to her people. maybe she was brought into your life ot make you life onthose days where other worlds were coliding.

Paula J Atkinson said...

So sad for you hun!
I admire you, I would be too attached to them & live a life as a constant emotional wreck. But yes, sometimes one special person gets into your heart while you aen't looking & they leave a hole when they go. {{hugs}} for you.xx
My fav film is Fried Green Tomatoes at The Whistlestop Cafe, it is about a care home & I cry every time (yup all 100) that I watch it...

jakey said...

Paula, I love that film too....! I howled at the part about the paper flowers! And she was a great old lady.... was she the bee charmer?

jk x

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear you've lost a friend.

Bet she's up there choosing what socks to wear.

Sweet dreams Gwen xxx

Unknown said...

Thinking of you Jake xxx

suebaru said...

Thinking of you xx

domestic goddess said...

hun this is a wonderul post and people like you are much appreciated and are few and far between, Gwen was a lucky lady to have found you too, may you keep these wonderful memories close to your heart
god bless

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