Saturday, September 30, 2006

Speshal dare # 22

Week 22 of the Spesh dare challenges.

This week we were given the title.... "He said..."

Hmmnnnn... not so easy eh?

I almost did a layout using a picture I took of Ruben last time we were out there. We'd taken a box of Yahtzee out for the guys and of course the little man had had to investigate. He loved the dice! Played with them for hours and GramGram Carlos was showing him the numbers and he was copying him, saying them.His favourite by far was number six - probably coz everyone cheered and clapped if he threw one....

Later, he came and pulled Carl by the hand.. "GramGram... up!" Carl allowed himself to be led along to where Ruby had been playing. He pointed to the wall "Gram Gram... thixs?"

Carl adores him, and just loved the way he said six with his little lisp... he'd lost one of his dice in the picon and Gram Gram had to find it. Clever little boy he knew there should be 5 dice and he only had 4! He needed his Grandad to find his favourite number six! Lol!

Carl said his heart just melted... and I so nearly did that LO - but I wanted to use the scrummy papers and flowers my lovely friend Lemon had sent me as a cheer up pressie the other week so I did the one below instead.
Just as well I didn't - Clare did a gorgeous LO abouit her little boy Tom - using those very words! What are we like? Lol!

She said she thought I might have some pictures to go with them...

Erm....only about 800 Darlin!

They looked just perfect for Pool Shots of which I have plenty... and I love this action shot of Vino being flung through the air by Carl, in Lally's pool. I have to admit my heart was in my mouth when I took it - he looked horribly close to the pool edge, but him and Carlo and Erk's play this all the time and they haven't brained him yet... but you know, I'm a Mum.. it's my job to worry!

1 comment:

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Great action picture! Fun papers for a bubbly page.

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