Sunday, September 03, 2006

Got the Blues? continuing colour Psy


There has never been a time when colour hasn’t held fascination for man, and throughout the ages it has been regarded as one of life's great mysteries. All civilisations had, and continue to have today, their own myths and connections with colour, but strangely, none of them has named very many colours. In the 1960s anthropologists Berlin and Kay conducted a worldwide study of colour naming. They found that many languages only contained two colour terms, equivalent to white (light) and black (dark). Of 98 languages studied, the highest number of basic colour terms was to be found in English - where we have eleven: black, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, grey and brown... (Well, trust us!!) The other millions of colours have 'borrowed' names, based on examples of them, such as lime, wine, apricot, lemon, gold, etc. Spiritually, colour is very significancant. Used in religious rituals through the ages, colour is the language of the soul. From the gold robes of Buddhist monks and the deep blue of the Virgin Mary's cloak in Christianity, to the black and white worn to represent death, birth and renewal throughout the world, the beliefs that colours represent are conveyed with a remarkable immediacy which mere words could never match.


The colour of the sky and the ocean, blue is one of the most popular colours. It causes the opposite reaction as red. Peaceful, tranquil blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms. Blue can also be cold and depressing. Fashion consultants recommend wearing blue to job interviews because it symbolizes loyalty. People are more productive in blue rooms. Studies show weightlifters are able to handle heavier weights in blue gyms.

Spectrum: 5th colour of the seven spectrum colours
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Gemstone: Amethyst
Musical Note: G - romantic music

Attributes: Love, devotion and harmony. Healing, peace, psychic ability, patience, happiness. Symbolic of the ocean, sleep, twilight, and the sky.

Characteristics: Blue people are emotional and stay within themselves. They tend to not trust others as they carefully watch them. Pale blue is the colour of devotion and reflects one who prefers things to be in order. As blue becomes darker, it becomes moody and depressed, hence the term, 'the blues'. Lovers of royal blue can be on
either a large high or in a deep pit of emotion. Navy blue is favoured by those who are very emotional but wish to conceal it. They tend to indulge themselves in their emotions and can, in extreme cases, become obsessed. Being feelers, they cry when they are happy or sad and as a result leave themselves wide open to others. They can easily gauge the mood of any person they are around regardless of their state of mind. Blue personalities can't explain the range of their emotions, as they are products of their environment. Looking for sympathy in others, blue people can be miserable to be with when they expect you to be down with them. Co dependently, they need you to feel as they do. Too much blue around will create depression so it needs other colours to balance it.
"Blue ribbon" is a term used to describe something of high quality, such as a blue-ribbon panel or a blue-ribbon commission. This comes from the practice of awarding blue ribbons for first place in competitions. The Blue Riband was a notional prize conferred since the 1860s to the ship that made the fastest trans-Atlantic crossing. The first ship actually to fly a blue pennant from her masthead upon winning this was the French liner Normandie in 1936

Positive blue
True blue - someone loyal and faithful
Out of the blue - unexpected (could be positive or negative)
Blue ribbon - first rate, top prize
Blueblood - person of noble birth, royalty
Bluestocking - well-read or scholarly woman
Bluebook - register of socially prominent people
The Blues (capitalized) - popular style of music sometimes characterized by melancholy melodies and words
Baby blues - Blue eyes

Negative blue
Feeling blue - feeling sad or depressed
Blue devils - feelings of depression
The blues (not capitalized) - depression, state of sadness
Blue Monday - feeling sad
Baby blues - post-partum depression
Singing the blues - bemoaning one's circumstances
Blue laws - laws originally intended to enforce certain moral standards
Blue language - profanity
Bluenose - puritanical individual
Into the blue - entering the unknown or escape to parts unknown
Out of the blue - unexpected (could be positive or negative)

You Are Sky Blue

Dreamy and creative, you see the potential in everyone ... and everything!

And while you strive to have an ideal life, you are pretty mellow about it. You know your time will come.

Oh! `darkly, deeply, beautifully blue', As someone somewhere sings about the sky
Lord Byron

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