First I got a parcel for a GDT spot - and it's gorgeous - totally wonderful colours, and very very me.
And second, I joined Kate Hadfield's hybrid CT!
I'm really excited about this as I'm very keen to do more hybrid work and finally put this Robo to use! I've had it almost 10 months now and I think i've used it 5 times... but that's going to change :-) Kate's work is just amazing and i've always been a huge fan. Her doodles are so clever and colourful and I can't wait to start for work for our undisputed digi scrapping queen. You can buy Kates stuff and find loads of inspiration at the Lily Pad
My only niggle is that I can't make the animated blinkie work on here! Grr!!! Blogger drives me insane at times, and i'm sick of wasting time trying to make it work.In fact there are some real issues here with blogger and photobucket. The other day all my slides packed up - you may have noticed they were missing? One minute they were there - the next that box came up saying they were all empty. And when I try and add anything from photobucket now all I get is a box saying image moved or deleted. I am SO angry about it!
Is anyone else having issues like this - or just me?
X factor last night was a disappointment. I'm no MJ fan so that didn't help, but I thought at least half of them were rubbish - and how the hell did Ruth get into the bottom 2?????
Aaaanyway - gotta run. More later when I have piccies to post.
jk x
Ooh well done Jakey! I am so jealous, I love Kate Hadfields stuff :) I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Congratulations Jaky - and well deserved.
I am looking forward to seeing what you create with the KH kits
Well done
Have fun creating. :)
WTG Jakey, huge congrats hun, can't wait to see what you create!
How fantastic! I suck at dig but i'm a big fan of Katies, her work rocks!
Congrats Jakey ! on the GDT & the hybrid DT !
Yay - evil blogger is letting the blinkie blink now! LOL I'm thrilled to have you on my team hun, can't wait to see what you make :)
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