Thursday, April 30, 2009

I daren't sit down... or i'll fall asleep!

Crikey, it's been a whirlwind few weeks round here. The kids have been home... along with their kids, and there's been a LOT of family stuff going on.

DD3's been to visit with her other half and their two tots, and phew...did that make it a houseful or what :-) Heaven knows we only have a little place and thinking back I sometimes wonder how I ever managed to raise four kids here, plus coping with all the various stray children who always seemed to be around, and keep a menagerie of animals at the same time. Still, as noisy and as hectic as the visit was, we loved every minute, and we were all sad to see them go home this morning. Can't wait for August now when we're all back together again in Lanza, and we'll have a new member of the clan to fuss over then as dd2's babby is due in a few weeks time! Yikes! More celebrations I suppose! :-) ah well, that's what family's all about I guess :-)

Anyway - on to other things!

After a long break from blogging I've a lot of catching up to do and the first thing I wanna share is this!

Check back tomorrow to see all the ways you can win prizes in Magistical Memories first ever blog hop! All the DT will be giving you the chance to win on their blogs, plus there's gallery prizes galore and a GRAND PRIZE from the Magistical Store too.

Check out the retirement sale while you're at it, which is making way for the new releases - so bags of bargains to be had - and perhaps your last chance to grab your fave shapes before they're gone forever. I've been having a play today, and have a couple more bits to share tomorrow when I have a better light to photograph in.

Magistical Memories Chipboard

Yesterday we went to Ashridge Forest for a picnic and here are a couple of pics of the gang in action :-)

Hope to see you here and on the blog hop!
hugs to all!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

love love love holiday times!

The family arrive this week!!! :-)
Everyone's getting very excited and we can't wait to be together again, tho it means a very busy couple of weeks ahead. My birthday falls in the middle of it all and we have so much to fit in :-) Grandson Sollo's birthday celebrations today, the guys arrive on thursday, and then on friday we're going here!!

Erm.... don't look if you have a sensitive disposition!

We have shopping to do, meals to eat, drinks to drink, games to play and stories to be shared and laughed about for a few days... :-D before Jazz and Erk take the kids to a holiday camp at the seaside... (mainly because Erkin's never been on a caravan holiday (bless him) and Jazz wants him and the kids to experience the sort of holidays she enjoyed as a child.)

On the friday they go, my sister and bro in law will be coming up and we're hoping to barbeque round first born's, then on the Sat me and Carlo head back to London for the British Music Experience; a roast down the pub on Sunday, and Birthday Do for me on Monday! Then we'll have a few more days with the fam doing days out to the farm etc before they fly home to Lanza... phew! I think there's more... but I forget. Photos to follow.

I managed to complete mojoholder last night though I was a bit disappointed as mine looks wonky instead of deliberately set at an angle as I intended. It looked ok... but then I decided to tear the paper, and after that it didn't... lol.

Ah well, it tells a tale. Ruben calls turtles 'dude's' - all of them. Remember the west coast hippy turtles in Finding Nemo....? "whoa dude...!" well, this giant green chap is therefore his 'dude'... and he loves him. So, there you go.. dude love - nothing to do with american wrestlers at all ;-)

Sketch by Sarah

more later, if I find time... ;-)
thanks for dropping by.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

nearly easter

I can't wait for the long Easter weekend to start. Hope to try and get some scrapping time over the holiday - I actually feel like I could scrap today... which is unfortunate, as I have to go to work! Typical!

Last weeks mojoholder LO:

Ruben in fits of giggles by Auntie Hayley's pool... probably was Hayley tickling him - I can't remember now, but it was a lovely day... wish I was there now!

It was a scraplift of Rachelle MacIvor and here's Sarah's sketch:


Wednesday, April 08, 2009

where do you look when it's gone...

Still struggling with time here and as I have my peeps coming over from Lanzarote in a few days that's not going to get better for a while :-) It seems ages since we saw the fam, but we have a few things planned so hopefully if the weather's on our side we should be able to get out and about a bit and maybe get some nice photos of the action. And if not, well, it'll be lovely to see them anyway!

First up is a LO for Magistical Memories

I'm still sorely lacking in mojo so none of the stuff i'm producing at the moment is really inspiring, but i'm trying to get to grips with regular scrapping again, however, it's not coming easy. I've never felt like this before, not ever - so am I finally bored of the whole thing? Or is it just that so much is going on behind the scenes that my creativity's simply blocked? So that I can't get lost in my papers and stuff? I don't know... but it's making it very very hard right now. The bottom line is, I really have no desire or ideas :-(

This LO uses this delicate bird which I painted white with acrylic, and some gorge flowers from a friend... thanks Deb :-)

And this simple LO was made as a tribute to our dear old cat, Henry, who we lost last year and still miss so much. I used the scribble flower, to signify that he is buried in his fave spot in the garden under the flowers.. the old rascal always insisted on plonking himself right there in the sun.

More soon.... maybe.
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