It doesn't take a lot to make me cry.... I'm a cry-baby and freely admit it. Weepie films, a sad ending to a book, poignant stories in the paper about kids, or oldies, or animals... bullying of any kind. Don't offer a kind smile or a friendly hug when i'm teetering, or uh-oh... the tears will flow. Even music turns the taps on if I hear the wrong song at the wrong time. I guess I'm just hopelessly over sensitive, but tbh, I've never been any different. My kids crack up that I sob at cartoons... Ice age, Nemo, even Lilo and Stich! I walk out of every West End show in floods of tears with the emotion of it all... But if you're like me and easily moved, you'll understand. You know what it's like... Having said that, I like to think I laugh as much as I cry, even if I do tend towards melancholy a bit too often ;-)
Anyway, this week there have been tears of happiness in our house! :-D Yay! And all because I got my fireplace back. Backtracking to when the back boiler was fitted many years ago, I lost my beloved real fire. With several small people in a freezing house it was the price I had to pay for modern central heating which warmed rooms where previously ice had appeared on the
insides of the windows, and little folks shivered in pj's and dressing gowns and coats. I had to accept a butt-fugly gas fire which I never used, never wanted, and hated with a passion. The radiators may have kept our bodies warm but the heart of our house lost it's ambience and soul.
But now it's GONE!
Oh Happy days!New central heating, no more back boiler... the fire
gone... and in it's place a pretty little stove, which could throw out a bit of heat if we wanted it to, but who's main purpose is to bring COSY back into our living room. Yes, I cried. I cried with absolute bloody joy!
Told you it didn't take much to set me off, didn't I?
(and forgive me if it looks like a shrine - It IS! Lol!)
So here's my little fire... my pretty little fireplace all bedecked out with candles, just as cosy and snug as can be :-) Hah! No one's crying now!
Other things:I've been making a few cards as most of my scrappy stuff's been packed away to allow the above works to take place.

Digi images:Kate Hadfield and
Lili at the Lilypad

Lots of valentine's.... coz i'm feeling all lovey lovey what with the new fire and all :-)
And an update on the green tea busines - Twinings sent me an apology -
and £5 quid's worth of vouchers - result!
Oh but guess what? We still have snow here... it just never goes away. It was snowing again last night, and today is bitterly cold. My dd and I wanted to go shopping today and couldn't, so we're getting really hacked off with it now. Playing in it's fine - but not at the expense of a shopping trip, eh!!!
So, because snowmen get lonely....

(snow) man's best friend :-)
ha ha!! Cute ain't he?Scrappy goodness! Magistical Memories have released their new Winter 2009 designs - and WOW!As a DT member I get to play with this stuff and all I can say is it's FAB! Check out the
forum and
store for ideas, chat, and special offers on stash. We always have competions where you can win chippies and the boards are a nice place to hang out. C'mon over :-)