Much did stay the same however :-) We went to Church Christmas Eve afternoon, and the all kiddies dressed up as little angels and shepherds, though my Grandson was very poorly with this flu bug thingy so no pix of him... and there'll be more on that later :-(

Afterwards we came back here for a nice relaxed couple of hours enjoying good company, some festive food and a glass or two of mulled wine. I love Christmas Eve - it's so special.

We had little visitors on Christmas day when Donz and Jonboy turned up with the dwarfs to open their presents. Mattie was by this time getting poorly with Sollo's bug, and got a bit cheesed off with Nannie taking photographs lol!

Carl got a DS Lite with guitar hero, books, and choccies - and his fave book is 50 people who buggered up Britain... got his name all over that one ;-)
Vin got a new ipod, vouchers for amazon and itunes, loads of clothes, music, and games for his ps2 and psp, books, heaps of mighty Boosh stuff, a pair of Converse, a pair of Vans and £75-00 which we went and spent yesterday, so he was well happy.
The only thing that spoilt it was the fact that me and Carlo now have the bug and feel like crap... I kid you not, this flu thing is damned nasty! It started to come on me the night before last, and by yesterday afternoon I felt dreadful. In fact I spent most of yesterday in bed - thank God I'd taken the boy shopping early, coz I'd never have dragged myself out after it kicked right in. I'm dosed up to the nines now and have a pan of chicken soup simmering... you can't help but feel a little sorry for yourself when you're ill at Christmas, can you?
Anyway - time for a Lemsip and a hot bath I think. I need to get better soon as we have my sis and bil coming for New Years and we're all going to a party. Fingers crossed we'll make it.
Hope you've all had a truly lovely Christmas, stay well, stay warm!