Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Just for me...

Seeing as I had such a cruddy day today, I thought I'd make a layout just for me, to try and cheer myself up.

I found these carnival pictures and tried to create the excitement on the page of the booming drums, the pulsating, rhythmic music, and sights and sounds of Carnival! I even like the way the Spanish say it with the emphasis on 'val' with an 'a' sound as in cat) .

It's a bit more vibrant irl, and the glitter chipboard flowers are gorgeous... so I reckon I'm gonna pt it up on my board for a while so I can look at it and remember the fun.

Roll on February, eh - so we can dress up and be silly and do it all again :-)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

What a day... and what a difference a day makes...

Today has not been a great day.

After having had a nice chilled weekend, with the launch of our first challenge on Eve, and just pottering about doing bits of crafty this and that for various things - I did not expect to be slapped in the face by fate today. But I was.

Got to work to be told two of our resi's had passed away - one on Saturday, and one early this morning. I was very fond of both of them, one a lady in her sixties, who had a brain tumour, and who's been slowly deteriorating in front of our eyes, was almost, in some ways a relief. I'd hate to think of her suffering anymore than she had to. She was too nice a person for that. And the other, was a dear old chap, who we all loved to pieces. He was a long suffering, hen pecked husband, who's wife has led us many a merry old dance over the last couple of years, and who I guess, finally decided he could take no more drama... and just gave up. Very very sad. I'll miss them both.

I 'll miss another lady too, who's funeral I attended today. She was 96 when she passed away, the 9th of 15 children born to a coal miner and his wife in 1911. Like many working class girls she went at 15 into domestic service, and at 21, when she had her independence, moved to
London to be a housekeeper. She was a land girl during WW2, and later emigrated to and travelled through Canada, Australia and NZ - Unheard of for an unmarried lady of her time. Later she returned to England and was awarded the Maundy Money for her untiring charitable works, and met the Queen who visited her flat in Rochester Row, Westminster to have tea (twice!).

What a lady. She was something else.

And - as if all that is not enough... Our receptionist, my friend - had a massive heart attack last night, and is in intensive care in a coma. They think maybe undiagnosed diabetes played a part, we don't know yet. I'm just praying for a miracle. She's the same age as me... got a family, been with her hubby since they were kids at school. It's a terrible thing.

So driving home, I'm thinking about all these things... how fragile life can be, about the little girl in Scotland who is four and has just been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour too, and who happens to be the God daughter of my own dd's inlaws... when I see a car behind me pull out to overtake. I eye the road, I know there's a bend just up ahead, then - unbelievably, coming round both of us - overtaking us BOTH I see another car.... FFS. What a bloody day.

I was tagged by Rebecca, and I will play along hon, but maybe not tonight. I've enough to think about tonight I reckon. So maybe tomorrow.

A lot can happen in a day eh?

Monday, June 25, 2007

Got talent???

Well, who hasn't....?

Might not be the kind of talent that's going to make you famous like having a fantastic singing voice, fierce debating skills or the knack of writing bestsellers, but we all have talents - often unique to ourselves.

The film All about Eve - the inspiration for the title of our blog, was primarily about talent, and with this in mind we chose our first challenge - scrap your talents. Apart from the ability to put a few photo's on a page in a reasonably pretty way I couldn't think of many talents I had, (although my meatball mama recipe is always very much sought after....) but after some thought I decided to scrap my skills in divination - my gift for reading cards and runestones, which is not something I tend to talk about much.

Still, I reasoned, as I start this journey of attempting to put something of me into my books, if i'm to give a proper picture of who I am, I'm going to have to open up a bit and let the girl behind the camera come forward and shine in a way she never has before...

I hope some of you will decide to hold my hand and come with me. It's a bit scary stepping out on your own.

jk xxx

An Ancient Art--->

PLUS! we are joined this week by the most fantastic guest designer!! You really must see her gorgeous layout on the blog! And ah.... rumour has it she's planning on hanging out with us guys a lot more... wink wink.... so stay tuned!!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

This week's Mojo layout and news about our DT call!

I absolutely loved putting this one together :-) We lifted a design by Anna, which was very soft and pastely, and though pretty and a great design, was not very me as I prefer bold colour and a more in yer face look.... so I just did my own version using a B&W of Vin and his amazing hair (lol), some striking papers by Scenic Route from my scraprooms kit and a lot of grungey black ink.

{{{{We also have some news about our DT call! }}}}

This week we have some exciting news and a fab new challenge for you all.....We are putting out a DT call for some more mojo scraplifters to join us every week...!

All we ask you to do is email us with 2 of the following:

Scraplift a page of ours from our online galleries on or from our blogs.

Our usernames are kellyg, meled, xxjakeyxx and dougie or if you prefer you can lift some of our own lifts on the mojo blog :-)

Just make sure you send two pieces of work in!! But please do not lift the same person twice...

You have until the 10th july to send them to us at

All lifts will be showcased on the blog and we'll pick 4 winners to join us from our favourites -

Open to both paper and digi scrappers - in fact, we'd love to include a digi scrapper on the team!

If you've any questions please post them to the blog and we'll get back to you with an answer asap!

So get lifting gals!! Can't wait to see your creations :-)

All About Eve - WooHoo! - We have a Winner!!!

Congrats to Julie R. who got 6 out of 8 correct! YOU GO GIRL!
You should see an email from us shortly asking for your mailing address, and start stalking that mailman...your Cupcake Scrapshop May kit is on its way soon!

And thanks to everyone who played! We had such a great response, and some of you were soooo close. Especially Lemon, Ayelet and Gina!

Ok, all you Eves out there...

Check back on Monday, June 25th for our very first challenge!!!

You don't want to miss it, and we have a very special guest designer who we know you are all going to love.Oh yeah...wondering what the correct answers were?Well, here ya go!

HAGIT-I lived in Iran-I speak 4 languages.-I have never touched a cigarette, never will.

MARIA-I have a spider phobia and have a unique spider scream-I was born with a full head of dark brown hair with a streak of grey-I won the best 'blood sucker' award on a school ski trip after the teachers saw a boys neck that I'd been friendly with

AIMEE-I've never flown by myself-Including me & my DH there were 7 people at my wedding-I won 1st place in an asteroids video game tournament in the 80's

NICOLE-I've been with my hubby for 22 years.-My favourite thing to drink is straight tequila.-I cannot drive a car and so never had my driver's license

COLLEEN-I married my old high school sweetheart-I ate my first Twinkie 2 years ago and hated it-I hold the equivalent of a Jamaican green card

JAKEY-I can speak backslang-I was once a member in a championship dwyle flonking team-I crashed and wrote off my first car less than 15 mins after collecting the keys

EMINE-I smoke way too much-My favorite animal is the cat- My favorite scrap product is paint

IRENE-I have to sniff milk before I use it. Have to.-The shortest time I ever lasted in a job was 45 minutes.-I have dated men from every continent (except Antartica)

Jeesh... so now I'm asking myself how I ever got mixed up with all the other weirdo's on this blog... and the upside is, that others will be wondering too.... ha ha..... And the funny thing is, I'll never tell!! ;-)

Friday, June 22, 2007


I made a big post on here last night... lots of pictures.. and when I checked it it had knocked all my side bar stuff to the bottom, so I had to delete it. How annoying. I'l try later and sort it out, maybe one of the pics was too big or something? Heaven knows, sometimes I hate blogger.

Anyway - i'll attempt my sneakies for tonight - and hope it wasn't them!

So here they are - my MOJO's for upload tonight. Be sure and pop in to check us out over the weekend, we're having a ball with this thing, and there'll be lots of eye candy on there for you from the lovely LO we're lifting, to our own individual interpretations of it :-)

Sunday, June 17, 2007

father's day

I thought I'd rustle up a small handmade gift this year for Vin to give to Carlos for Father's day along with his proper present... and unfortunately I was foolish enough to suggest to others that I might do so too.... so in the end, I kind of had to... And um... today was the last day to do it!

But it's all good. Now...!

The canvas never took very long to make, and I admit it was fun to do - and actually made a nice change from doing layouts, so as long as he likes it (and I'm sure he will), then it was worth the bit of effort that it took today.

Apologies for the odd look of the photo - I had to take this picture on the stairs as there was just too much 'light' everywhere else... and I never thought I had a bright house, ifkwim?

Anyway, I got so frustrated going from room to room, I just scanned it in the end... So9, there there you are - the finished result!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

saturday again!

Well, yesterday was quite a whirlwind of a day... but great fun too :-) and all us Eve's had a blast. Thanks for the pm's, mails and good wishes you sent our way, means a lot :-)

Last night's Mojo went out a little late, owing to kelly having problems with her camera... lol! Technology eh!!

Here's my take on the weeks scraplift:

Ruben playing in the puddles in his garden after Dad's finished hosing down - that boy does love to splash! Lol!

If you get a minute pop over and check sugar almond's beautiful featured layout, and all the other yummy work on the mojoholder site.

Finally finished my layout for our first challenge on All about Eve, and decided that from now on I will never look at the other girls work before I do mine - for obvious reasons! he he he

Need to get something done quick for father's day tomorrow, so must dash now! Back later if I come up with anything! have a fabby day all!

jk x

Friday, June 15, 2007

Busy day

So! We've had a fabby response to the launch of All about Eve! There's been a quick change in the way the comp's running coz some of you felt it was just a little too difficult... okay okay, we listened. It's now grouped so all you have to do is match the correct group with each Eve... honestly, we're practically throwing the kit at you! ;-) Go for it!

Don't forget to check out
Mojoholders after 11pm tonight for this weeks inspiration. It's a gorgeous layout we've lifted and I love my interpretation of it. Thanks to all the girls who have this week agreed to be scraplifted in the near future and / or GDT for us. can't wait to see your stuff!

Check out
Prima - where my little mate and Eve teamie Emine, waits to wow you with some of her beautiful layouts as their guest designer. Gorgeous work done darlin!

Are you ready?
(click on blinkie on sidebar right!)

From: All about Eve...

"As scrapbookers, we seldom scrap ourselves. We are the ones behind the camera, and behind the layout. We preserve moments in time with our kids, our families, the events in our lives, but we usually forget to scrap about ourselves. Let's face it...we stay behind the scenes.

Well no more!

Whether it be a bad hair day or the power we have as women, we are going to challenge you to scrap outside of the box in bi-weekly challenges. Some of these challenges will be quirky, some will be serious, some will be vague, and some will be very direct, but each and every challenge will ask you to scrap you and only you.

It's all about Eve now!

But first, we want to break the ice...have a little who's up for a little match game?

All of our Eves have written down 3 little known facts about themselves. Whoever matches the correct Eve with her three little known facts first will win a kit from
Cupcake Scrapshop! Yeah, you read right! We are crazy like that! You can try as many times as you like to match them, and if no one gets them all, then the prize goes to the person who comes the closest!


Ready, set, GO!

Now pop over to
All About Eve to see the facts and try and to match them up with the correct Eve! Then, bookmark the blog - we'll be back on 25th with our first challenge and a very special guest designer!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Time difference


Seems to be some dissent...well, so not much dissent... more out and out confusion.

Ever tried to get girls from all over the world synchronising their watches and coming to a 'good' time together ...?

So - you may see my news here first... or not - or you may read it while i'm still in the land of nod... lol!

Argh.... No matter - you can still pop by here and pass an encouraging comment whenever you feel like it.... any time's good for me :-)

Yeah, it's all good round here... :-)

Yay! Lotsa parcels arriving now, so i'm feeling pretttttttty good, and also I have a rake of exciting stuff going on too - but you know, busy hands are happy hands, as one of my old Irish mucker's would have said back in the day.... :-)

So! Exciting week ahead for me...!!!!

But first to my goodies! Got my stamps from Angel Crafts, and have to say that this was the first time I'd shopped there but I was impressed. I spent enough to get free P&P, which is always nice, but the comunication was good, and I didn't wait long for my stuff. Well packaged when it arrived and I'll be going back as they have lots of lovely stash I have my eye on!

My stamps from ebay came too, my scraproom kits, and some other bits, so no worries there - but gues what? Still NO book from Amazon! Grr! This was pre-ordered in JANUARY for delivery in FEBRUARY!

My Friday night MojoHolders layout has been sitting on my desk for several days as I was so delighted with this week's scraplift LO that I couldn't wait to get started and do my own interpretation of it. Coupla sneakies below - try to pop in and check us out when you get a moment :-) There's some lovely stuff going on, and we have some fabby designers coming up in the next few weeks both as guests and as featured artists. (hmm.... could be you soon, who knows!)

I haven't had time to fix these in PSE yet so the colour's poor - ignore that! Lol!



{{{{{Friday.... Time to reveal what me and some funky girlfriends of mine have been working on :-) Awww won't want to miss that! }}}}} ;-)

Monday, June 11, 2007

the waiting game...

Waiting on orders.. drumming fingers...stalking the postie...isn't it awful to be waiting for stuff?

I have my scraproom kits on the way, and it looks gorgeous this month, and i've added the stamps too (how naughty!)

3 sets of acrylic stamps from Angel Crafts - that's now been updated to processing

A set of alpha stamps off ebay - Autumn Leaves scribble - evidently posted

BHG from stampaddicts

A CD for Carlos from Vin for father's day, and one Vin ordered for himself. (Woolies have free P&P at the mo!! )

and of course my flaming book from Amazon!!!! Which wil probably go out of print before it arrives :-(

Plus Vin's new phone. So you can see why I'm impatient!

And look at all my ugly old albums... I really need some nice new ones don't I? Especially as I have two pizza boxes bursting with layouts that have nowhere to go as well... ho hum.

Not a bad day.....

... quite a productive day really considering the sun was out, but nothing I can share just yet.

I made my MojoHolders layout for next week already!

So excited was I by the gorgeous page we're scraplifting that I couldn't wait to get stuck in - and I love the layout I made to bits too - and that's not something you hear from me all that often.

I also printed off a pic I need for something rather exciting which is coming off very very soon.. although I haven't started the work yet.... but at least now I have an idea of where I'm going.

And I also did a little fun LO - well, just because... Please excuse the wibbly wobbly scan.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Sorry guys!

Sorry about that - I started watching a film.. and then went to bed and forgot! Lol!!

Anyway - here it is - my first layout for MojoHolders, which I joined tonight, and which I reckon is going to be all sorts of fun. There are some gorgeous LO's over there just waiting to be drooled over, so pop by later and have a little look :-)

The Colours of my Summer:

Making this layout was a great way to use up loads of ribbon scraps, which I just arranged in size round the photo and attached with a herma dots runner. Doodle, and chalk over the flowers and stars and stuff and then run multi colours of chalk ink round the edges. Slap a bit of hand made lettering on - and your done. Quick as you like and cheap as chips to make... Better grab your shades tho, coz it's a page to knock your eyes out... but that's ok if your a colour lover like me :-)

very busy today - so back later!

Wishing you all a fabby saturday whatever you are up to!

jk xx

Friday, June 08, 2007

about 2 hrs now...

... and counting....!


... about 3 hrs to go..... :-D

secret shops and more

I found a little shop yesterday - that i've never seen before. Now, i've worked in LB town for 3 years, go shopping over there more often than I do my OWN town, and while the town is old and there are lots of little alleyways, mews and courts etc, I thought I knew them all... not so. Someone mentioned a shop to me... selling craft stuff... and I couldn't believe I didn't know about it!

So I set off into town, found the alley and trotted up there ... passed a crystal/mystic shop... passed a gift shop... kept following little turns... and there it was! Scrapbooking products, card making, crafts in general.... honestly! How did it get past me for 3 YEARS!

Of course I snaffled up a few bits - be rude not to on my first visit eh? And promised to pop back next week when they've had their last order in.... Pop back? I'll be haunting them!

So here's my stuff :-) Emine! Orange paints drool drool... he he ;-) Got those for a lil project I have planned btw....

oh and the promised sneakie... of a lil thing coming up on friday night wink wink - see UKS for another hint ha ha!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

happy days

Yay! - England won...!

OK - I know it was only Estonia, but we needed it and Michael scored, so I am sitting here with my Cheshire cat face on now..... silly perhaps but you know I love them. And wasn't Becks good!

Been working on something today for Friday... very excited about this, and absolutley lovin the page i've done. Won't be everyone's cup of tea maybe... but right now it's mine... and i've had so much fun doing it. Finally realising that this is what scrapping's supposed to be about - enjoying it all, and not stressin... :-)

And... I got invited to do a GDT spot earlier, for something really fantastic too - it's been a busy couple of days... and I still have something major I need to crack on with as the deadline draws ever near! Where to find the time?? :-)

Have a fabby day guys - back later with a sneaky and maybe some more news!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007



Don't you just love that word?? :-)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Why am I always the last to know....?

People drive past me... I know they do because they tell me.... " I saw you last night driving along the high st.. I beeped and waved, but you never saw me..."
And It's true - I never saw them.

All kinds of stuff goes on around me and I don't notice. Hoo-ha's at work, the police in the street, New buildings going up - old one's coming down... I drive along the same road every day and suddenly spot a new monstrous building and exclaim at it in wonder, and someone says "What.....? Don't tell me you never noticed that before - it's been there 3 weeks! You never saw them building it...never saw the mess?" And I mutter and mumble... because no, I didn't actually... I never noticed it at all.

Do I live in a dream world? Well, perhaps I do... maybe the places I go to in my head are prettier than that grey, grim world all around me... but sometimes I manage to the miss nice stuff too! And that's not so good, obviously.

I missed the launch of
this earlier in the week, for example... and in case you may have done as well, I've linked it here so you can pop over and say hi to the Creative World girls and have a look round a place I think is going to be very inspirational, full of eye-candied up ideas, and basically just plain gorgeous - a bit like the places my brain chooses to go to when I'm pootling along outside, and not much liking what I see all around me..... :-)

Agh....Go on....Anything that colourful deserves to be drooled over!


Never got my early night after all...! Started messing around in here, and got sucked into cyberland for a while, and that was good coz something really fabby came out of that :-) And then I started playing with a layout I had on the desk... and that got made so that was good too - and I still have 4 books to look forward to later! Go me!
So, I now have a couple of things on the go, and it feels good to be busy again.

I also have to find time to make some stuff for work for the fete as we are having a craft stall and it's all left to me and one other girl to fill it! Yikes! I've even been making cards, and I'm no card maker.... we've been busily printing off and making tea bag thingummybobs at work - neither of us have ever even thought about doing this before, but actually it's quite addictive - never thought you'd hear ME saying that did you! If anyone has any crafty things they've made and don't really want please donate them to my fete - we'd be very glad to accept anything!!!

Here's a layout I did tonight - me on my birthday weekend away... looking exhausted after walking miles and miles all over Newcastle - and if you know Newcastle City Centre, you'll understand it's ALL built on huge great hills! No wonder I look half dead - I was! Lol!
The scan's made the ribbon look wonky, it's ok really - I'm just too knackered to scan it again, sorry.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Know what I'm doing tonight?

I'm having an early night... with my new books.

I haven't bought a lot of books lately, just the odd few here and there, but I had a bit of a splurge and bought four last week and they arrived today, so that's me later - tucked up in bed and filling up on inspiration and knowledge :-)

Amazon STILL owe me Paper and Pixels... which was a pre order that was supposed to be here way back in february, and just keeps getting delayed all the time...but i'm hanging on, as I really want it. Just hope they don't eventually say they can't get it at all - and I've had that before, so I know it does happen.

Also awaiting my scraproom kits - though I haven't even had time to make a single layout with last month's yet. Really must get on with something soon, before I forget how to scrap!

hugs all

jk xx

P.S - to those who know my old cat has been unwell lately, I just wanna say he seems to have turned the corner and is doing a lot better now. Talk about nine lives... Last seen scoffing a plate of prawns in the garden, the old fake. And I'd actually thought today was going to be the day... you know, resigned myself.... Animals - who'd have them!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Vin's verdict on the New Wembley:

"The toliets weren't that great, they weren't what they looked on the telly.... and considering there's 2400 of them, I had to queue for bloody ages!"

thas ma boy! lol :-D

Friday, June 01, 2007

On our own again...

... coz the boy's gone off with Donzo and half the family to watch England vs Brazil at Wembley.

It's his first trip to the new stadium so he's pretty excited, having been there loads in the past, and was actually at the last match England ever played there back in Oct 2000 - but erm...we don't want to talk about that game now, do we.......!!!!!

Anyway - to celebrate an evening in on our own, we have wine, treats, and an Asda Thai takeaway dinner in a bag jobbie that Carlos will no doubt rustle up before we settle down to watch the match. (quite excited to watch a game without the running commentary from the inhouse resident teenage expert!)

Course it's only a friendly so I won't be crying, but it'll be nice to see if Becks can pull summat out the bag for us... assuming he makes the pitch that is ;-)

And as we are all alone.... again....
Here's a layout I started a couple of weeks ago... finally got it finished after I got through tidying up my space! Carl says he hates his smile, I hate my sunburned nose and flat hair... Ah well - I expect in 20 years time we'll think we looked great. Lol!

Hope the team win - get yer lucky socks on everyone! C'mon England!

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