At that time she, Isabelle, was the baby - the baby of Donna and Jon's family at any rate, though at 28 months not really a baby any more, but 'the year we broke the toddler' doesn't have quite the same ring, does it?
This was the year Isabelle had just turned two and Vinnie was 12. He'd had some weights for Christmas, and on Boxing day when all the family were round and we were playing games, Izzy had got bored and wandered off to play in Vinnie's bedroom. We'd checked on her several times and she'd been fine, just playing with her dolls and toys and watching a video.
But suddenly, there was a thump and a shriek and she was crying... She'd fallen off the bed and hurt her arm - because she'd been holding one of the dumbells when she went down...
She wasn't too distressed after a cuddle with Dad, and they decided to see how it went, but a few hours later her wrist was badly bruised and swollen so off they trooped to A&E. Yep a hairline fracture, so little Iz ended up with a cast on her arm, and we all had the awful guilt of the knowing the baby got injured while we played..... hence the '04, the year WE broke the baby title! Lol!!

I made the layout using lots of gorgeous embellies from one of Caroline'z Jarz. I think it was the Autumn one which I received in a DT package a few weeks ago, but they matched my patterned Christmas papers and these photo's perfectly :-)I can't believe how much Izzy and Vin have changed in just 2 years... time flies eh?
Happy New Year to you all !!
jk xx